
Voice Memo - Angel's Wing



Westlife - Angel's Wing


Feeling it has to be every cell feeling it, not one day your head under the urine pot, you will feel it I meant it, amend everything inside out, right?  That is how it burnt, and you imagine the next life....at all. I am so super sure, what is the magic you really understand it, if you just use your brain only....see?

When someone proven you per wordy....bet on it. What is real.....at all. That was Eon ago, you saying someone turn mild at all. Learn the lessons well!!!

Believe that?

So many guys to be this flowery blossom, Na ni ~~~~~!!! sounds farmiliar Tamang...Ten man? Really?


oh `~ how sad.

I didn't have to use my language if not in the telepathy what it ought meant at all will say, right? This is just a basic English per sentence, you meant its between you and me has the competition reason, or the IQ problems.

I think its your money running short on insurance behind you, or your country already bankrupt just by American.  Calling your mother? "Daddy, mummy....1999 divorce date were unform like Anna's parents?" 

When they got married, Ronan? You didn't understand no guys ever useful in front of you, not my right to speak any extra wordy really.....you never get them, but then again, they have no use in life as they always say, or else that 2014 will never be mine? American would have saying that. 

Right? Combat the greatest villian, you make a claim in the court, that combine just first life.....in Eon, Wheel of Wheel time, someone turn mild, learn the lesson, its between you saying it, or the Judge should repeat to your wordy? 

With the fallen destiny human or the bad luck, how I ever needed to talking ET tones, to tame someone living in the urine pot head? Feeling it, that day.....when I say, do not contempt court were the Ancient Chinese, it will be my turn. Funny and tale.




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