
Westlife - My Love, means Adam? oh ! Pang went there that summer, he was short, very short, he was the grade school kid? Tuckle in my arm, he got scared we are talking to Rebecca in my room, about some dream experience

He does that when he was a baby? ~ so same thing with Blake and Scott, they all growing tall 3 of them. Almost the same time I came back, or next time I see Pang. But he was like that Jason W 2 Worlds, beside he was more reserved, shy away kid.

Right now he is one of those terrible ABC dressing look like that Taipei Mayor, he did grew up. He was small tiny.


Pang did that leadership in the Olympia, I think he was the leadership in that high school team. Did he get to any other leadership, I am not sure.

Scott was the student president. How he himself ends up on Apples or ending up in the jail, really. 

But when you saying the Asia we are the selected high school, our system those leadership? ...I don't really know how to tell you. Like Pang is not a figure in his school, so was not that Jason, nor that Henry, in their First Boy School.

I can just call up that First School telephone number MYSELF, without any of them, find a brand new class of people, none of them will look like that Jason or Henry.

For real. Just listen to what I tell you. The high school in those, we are the small tiny world, Taipei this design, how the population or the kids stays in that school walls, and all that arrange year after year social events between the boys school to the girls school, and how these leadership becoming or staying in....Including the Perfect or the Public Relation in that One class....you define if a sports area....

The School Sports Team, or the Gun and Guards Team

We have one classroom, that one class called the Honor class are the olympia similar to the First Boy school, but the boys they goes to the real Science Expo, you know doing what? The material science or the mechanical science invention. Nothing sports, nothing iconic, nothing bad grades.

Rarely you saying whom in my volleyball team, there is a girl got in the material science. You saying the grade, or how she does with her own class interaction. She stays in the volleyball team. She got very good University but she changes to the Chinese/ Philosophy department, and acquire TA even.  

You will have very little known to....some leadership in that small tiny circle. We are not China, the entire China knows that. 

The Guards and Gun team, they have to stay in the grade reports, or else they got eliminated.

Therefore, what you saying the leadership that staying in the boy's school, we were all the high school, the guy's world, they will move up to the university ladder, so will be me and that Captain, if I Anna stay in Taiwan going up that University life.

But what you really saying in the Europe, or America, when you having a leadership imagination, most time in school, they finish that year, that events, they never meet between the guys or the girls.

Anything of that...not really.

Its only if you got invited. Whatever if the team, the choir, the madrical "got the invitation", none of that are the boys or the girls things event. If you saying there were anything, and if were the leadership to present. I never heard of anything like that. 

It will probably just the leadership shows up. 

The choir and the madrical are different. They probably use a lot of those saying, you know, its an invite. But really just only the teacher knows. Its we travel to another school, and stay there. Sometimes its the bank event, its just really dress up and standing indoor or the outdoor where the bank is, or the bank telling us to.

There is no boys or girls, we are already mix in, we never seen anymore. 

I will be the piano accompanist, like that Disney High School Musical, except, what you didn't see inside that story lines were that, its each and every time, the teacher hands me the music sheet, I just got it over to my hands, and look at it, she will be resuming to the public front, at those Saprino, Auto, Tenor and Base.

Without me seeing them front looking. There is a lot of details like that, its just you are not the choir, not the madrical, not the piano accmpanist, not knowing the teacher if she even knew you can conduct by pitch/ beats really. You took over her jobs when she is not there. Because the classroom are in chaos, every single morning!

Your Disney High School Musical.



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