
我覺得應該發生什麼事情,你們其實都在跟你們家長吵架 ! ( What do I think should happen, becaue you are all fighting with your parents)

在台灣現在這邊 In Taiwan right now here

中國節,很多人常常有飯局 Chinese New Year, we have a lot of this dining experience


這鋼鐵神兵的意思就是,那是為了錢 (機械手鋼鐵人的 生化 AI next by Hank )那會開發嗎 ? 那這件事情一直在美國國會。

About this BTX's meaning, is that for the money/ (The Iron Man Arm, the Bio AI next by Hank) will that be developed? This case is always been in American Congress.


你們其實很在乎跟你們家長贏幾句話,叫做現世報 ! You actually very care how you win over your parent's a few degree of words, called the Current Karma manifestation.

你們其實相信那樣 You actually in fact very believing in it. 



Long time ago, very long time starting I have a lot of this science project states I am, like many projects, small quiz or big exams.


通常會有那種連假長假,類似現在是禮拜四到禮拜天,我以前常常有這種感覺,就是很長的某種情況學校的,然後回家連假,大家什麼事情都不用做,中學開始的。 有點像美少女戰士第十一集,我們還在漫畫裡面,叫做我還有很多假期? 

Normally there are those long vacation, kind of like the Thursday me here to Sunday, I often have that kinds of the feeling, like a very prolong situation in the school, and then going home for the long weekend, a longer vocation, everyone in the school not required to do anything, the middle school starting?  A little bit similar to the Sailor Moon Book 11 and we are still inside the comic book, written that "I still have a lot of the vocation"?


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