
You are not very patience toward yourself, or anyone around. One dish, one soup, one tiny things because you are by yourself one person living. In that space and time, you can invent any recipe as the girl part. One delicate thing, to be that exactly perfect.

When you capable to hoovering all those single dish, single menu to the perfect, how you move your arms and space in your own kitchen, you have all this disinfect procedure right in the morning when the landlord stepping out. You have to sensitizing the entire counter and facet especially and that cooking stove opening or close.

One perfect soup

One perfect stir fried with the white rice.

Those are not the super huge things, becasue you taste, you see, you know. Most time people have no mind in the cooking, they are running outside on the job hunting. Then you have to figure it out a way how to run your life to that, you can afford yourself including the food inside your own palate, you so cared what it taste like, how the health indicator going by with any book you read, you know, you learn, and you only do what the book teaching you or taught you.

Because you only believe in it. 

I rest enough so I know the difference I myself really just sleeping way through. How I manage to carry my one person space living, like how to shop one person, how to go to the bathroom one person, how to pick up a vegetable, a rip fruits, a looking right veggie, look at it, how do you grocery shopping?

With the guy like Brian, or Westlife? What's the difference. You didn't have to know or saying that TV is real or not real. You getting near to find out. But what you instead doing....there is a lot of things you wish to act like the TV? or something you are the TV?

One of those glorifying means, not the solid attitude, how you treat things professionally. You have a want, and a look. I can just see it right through the book, the TV or the movies.


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