
You UB girls file one by one...Wing's face all over the place, you ever help him to file?

Wing's profile


There are several entertainment outlet public disclose information are ending up in Taiwan, Korea and Japan. I will personally stated that I am from Hong Kong to begin that my parents and me were from Hong Kong, and we can when we were very small. Some of this TV might need the exact per words translators calling forward for each additional line with OVA or not.

The end of every stories in the cartoon or in the continuation of the episode.

Ola and Dean + his 2 girl friends.

We need to call forward the financial institution to our 9 generation check up all the financial bank statement per records, we are the second generation ABC to our original country near the USSR history back then, with our grandparents or parents immigrant to 100 years ago this Buffalo, New York region were near that Niagara Falls Nikola Tesla and Westinghouse at our current Buffalo airports.

What did the bank do with this 9 generation, if any personnel involved to be the banker, it will be the 9 generation swap. Like Karen or like Tina.


Wing is not my hero or Idol No. But is his name normal? Is that military rank like we figure it out in Chinese literacy Anna sent with us the group pack file-ing the lawsuit. Is that the military rank, to do with? Anything in my family I don't know, we are from .....Persian.


Wing is not my hero neither, so we had anything related in the family blood nor the crown statues, nor strangely our parents does not sound like we know each other. We are placed into a near by program other than the Chef or the Honor Class program. Anna says he is in Lockwood UB IT department, he got promoted there.

Are we going to collide our career path, this kind of validating, I am the early assurance MD program. I told Anna that. She is sorting all of us paper now. Its March 22th, 2023 today. Are we counting as the back up people in our home land, similar to Anna many statement I have read in the public domain. Her family their entire sister's classmate or friends are back up the music cello. Surprisingly, none of us know the music field. No.


We are the analytic partner lab groups. Me, Jonas and Anna. Its Anna flood the lab yelled for help, Jonas step in that shut it off on his side of the facet. But he got placed to the Wine Beauru making ....the alcoholic beverage not the sporty athletics. He, or according to Anna says, he had a girlfriend name Fatima, she is at FDA on Linkedin we all seen. We have about 250 people from UB neighborhood, including the family and UB clubs Anna got invovled. We were the classmates, both the Organic Chemistry and organic chemistry lab, and analytical chemistry and analytical chemistry lab. They are Dr. Chambler and Dr. Aga's class. Jonas is a history major, Anna is a chemistry major. Mine major is....

It is me and Anna and another girl, we are on our side as the Lab partners. Jonas on his side, its 3 crossing us. No, we are not related, we were all the classmate. We have a separate Lab professor from Dr. Aga, she is an Asian women. Anna met him, becuase.....

It was not the alcoholic beverage and sporty athletics.....


We are sorting 2012 two timelines, these files need to be separate Anna's all things one side, the rest of them on the other pile like OU language from Supreme Master Ching Hai. The current time in 40 years opening any of their files to read. Its very confusing, if not just made that into the call right now. the UB law librarian can be told at this time from the local judge, that Time is continue added up.

Any statement file is not against us, but its time not forever to be submit. You can submit all things now.


I have an issue with the incoming people, either my future trajectory unsure their age, their height, their GPA including the failing out of the Honor Class or the UB itself undergraduate department.  I wish to be resolved without disturb my next 40 years whether I am dead or not. But I understand there is something merge as the group file. No, I am filing this individually. 

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