
You want to imagine ....what?

I yelling at the America military for a very long time since 2018, if not starting at 2014, they hearing the update from 2015 (Facebook Kenshin)

or 2016 = all their examination on the upper literacy / religion aspect, so they mean I blank out 2 years, to reach 2018 on?

The Science Museum or the Barns & Noble, that is the kid's area. I don't know if that is really a full scale of the Barns & Nobles. They have a television on, I have no idea what they airing in it.

I don't know if they pay the professor, they are all the professor level up. You didn't think the teaching position or some kinds of the research works can get ahead in life, but these people staying there that field very long time. You mean they have a brain IQ issue what they submit their peer reviews journals?

You know what is a peer reviews journal process?

Not I saying the outline last time?

Meaning its started at the peer review committee board, every imagine any any any any board, the board member area, why I keep using those words never stop?  

Its same to the Voice, they have a Judging Table in America, and that show format becoming every countries they adopt that guideline to looking for talent, and the general public coming out more in the last 25 years now at least, you cannot possibly having no one writing per word down what happened to the overal situation, people be more happy, be more joyful to the music exposure. There is a Bible in the revelation. I forget what it says, but ....?

Something to do with the music?

I have an issue of my image, side by side to that monitor to every degree people will be less confusing if I am airing myself, or sound like myself, really? Its a process I just make it through, not questionable myself, its a public attention if or if not. I don't have a face when I grow up, I didn't really need that starting it now? 

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