
Your health is not good. We don't have the high tech to fix it.

That is why you fatigue very very often. I really don't want to add the guys in that.....how to carry that life so both can make it. You cannot be sure on the first day, but you making it when those days can?

You all girls suppose to like the guys, okay? Not this....all this you compete with him. So leave that field.

You get jealous over him, is that the kid, or the ex-wife, how old is this guy?

You get jealous his own office, and where is your own Pinterest just day dream on the design?

You jealous of his clothing or outfit, or the shoes collection with the watch or the bag, where is your own Pinterest to imagine, imagine, imagine, nothing but imagine?

If you drop all of that, be content, be happy, be a better quality person? What is so stupid over this you get jealous of his possession of his material stuffs? You can collect some better stuffs?

Be a quality person can go a longer road, no matter what that road might be? You all having this very very bad talking inside your brain, and to that some time you pray, you make a very extremelist promise, you have no idea what you did inside your brain and someone heard that.

I told you, do not contempt your own court on the Earth. That every legal court, you respect that judge, or some Title to those legal procedure saying it the right words, be respectful.

You are contempt God, and you imagine your end road will be fine. Its not the every single day you hating toward yourself, or just knowing it, that days won't be long, no exit road. You doing it on purpose all the time. You cannot content your own verbal language, you cannot but think that is how the guys will agree, you cannot you cannot you cannot but keep doing that wrong things 1 to every degree of it.

You never sort the real humility inside you, you cannot wait to be that "BE YOURself " really.

You words are arrogant, your eye brow and eyes shows how contempt you to whom?

Your expression it means the tones of those voice

You mean you all girls got aggrevated by the guys and you still never leave him alone really. You have other intention?


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