
Ancient Chinese

Ancient Chinese is only learn in the middle school, high school, til College. Its not really anything other than if you learning English, you learning a literacy in that expression. To your modern world, how you pushing your own culture and in the politics sense, you doing that. Ancient Chinese its only I say those kids are so wild, so cursing words, so bad attitude, to ingrain some manner or politeness manner. That is what the Ancient Chinese literacy can do. Trying to be a civilized human, other than that, there is nothing in it. Those Backstreet Boy making it up stuffs, when those Open World scenario, I don't think anyone would doing that on the negotiation table, its the international language.
Unless its again this interface, someone's kids brain not working, let's mock up the entire Cosmo and laugh? I have no words to say, that is why there is an expression. If I could find some English words, I have done it differently. 




Music, has a dictionary made of Italian jargon.

Same its in the business. If one day open that worlds, you will have every simple English conversation to sound like you have a literacy in describe yourself how to solidified a deal? The legal experty?  You have every Earthly business man or woman to practice on those language, and those bracket will getting younger and younger, when you gonn start polishing yourself?

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