
都市更新 (City renew, how do you say that in English? Urban Planning ) 這英文不知道是哪一個字詞語


The same video, if I was talking to them about that same property how the birds were telling me, remember?  You turn right, turn right, turn right, straight up to the highway. And if you make a routine let's say this video you get 20 boxes of the freezen fish packages, you just storage inside the "brand new" house you purchase outside the city, its cheaper and newer too.  

When I was in California that time during AGT, talking on the Google + , I was still cargo my boxes of Coconut. The real Coconut, and I was saying that how the road map was there? At Isabel's home there. I cargo literally boxes and boxes and boxes shipping coconut myself, per case I carry all that to my own home. 

There is a routine how the life if were getting a car, yeah ! I am not that old to say without it. 

我在講東帝士那種長相的東西,華南銀行的那些右轉在右轉在右轉 .....

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