
If you have a car in Taipei, where should you go? I need to ask my dad. 如果我在台灣有車子,我應該會去哪裡? 我會問饒邦他爸

He used to drive us somewhere, a several place including Square's dad's these 4 floors pinpong table roof. Its outside, not sure where.

他以前帶我們出去某些地方,這些地方包括方方他爹的 "別墅" 四層樓那種,Pingpong 球的那種頂樓,在外面,不確定在哪裡! 

He also had some other friend whom have this where you park at near the mountain place


This kind of the car driving In this Big Taipei City District, I will at least still asking him before I imagine that kinds of the life.


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