
Did you figure it out "Whom" you supposed to talk to, after you console to anybody, and then you keep adding your mindful list of the name whom you identify their faces, their works, their newspaper, and their band. Isn't your music gerne were like me, the boybands, the groups or the pairs?


And so how do you decide your talking about all over the list, and what you did you exactly do behind? Seriously? I talk to so many example, you can just all calling them each of the name I put on my voice memo? They are not limited to talking to me? Isn't that strange things I stepping all over, you just say.....

"I heard Anna says...."

"Anna says she did a voice memo...."

"Hi~ I over heard that Anna she was saying how we should come together to dialing in...."

"Good morning, I decide to do what Anna says."

"Hi~ I keep hearing Anna speaking of these few names and I would like to tell you my personal think ...its one of you I want to talk to. "



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