

You going to Brian, not AJ, not Nick or Nicky....and the rest of their name !!!


The Cake ...you pretend to make one time, or like Carla did the whole group meals one artificial dye cake without the money for the rest of the gulp food inside the mouth? Its from NSYNC. Its 20 times bigger than that, and Blue some kinda of the cartoon.


The cake substance is made of water and flour. You are not vegan or the vegetarian process, its every step the way, you get rid of the egg or the milk, and then how you mean that is 1) Vegetarian trying to be or 2) Vegan real practice?
Sorry 1) Normal Cake with egg and milk. 2) Vegetarian without the egg but with the milk 3) Without the egg and without the milk.
I am asking you. Do I look like I eat cake? That is a sponge idea, right? What did I say the first line? "The cake substance is ..."


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