
How do you define injury?

You fallen inside your own bed, your entire body on the ground, including your head.

Your kitchen lower cabin, taller cabin.

Some girl hit the guy's jaw, some at the forehead.

The car accident. The very severe one, not just a bump on that stain.

If you compile your all medical expense ....because you are all under the fire too, some people might relent if you all just be honest and hand out all the information I am asking you to be honest. Be tight to the medical facility its better than anything else implied. Because....

The sooner you admit that brain injury, the sooner they can arrange you as a person staying somewhere that one life, you don't keep damage your brain by that accident. Its very very very bad. 

I can ask you a list of the question, check KR movie: The Day The Earth Stand Still ( beginning were 1928)

Have you ever fallen on ice, and you cannot get up, how many hours on the ice, do you call the ambulance?

Have you ever stuck outside the car door similar to Twlight? Fallen because, the key its inside the car, you cannot get up?

Have you have any caualty you remember, you record yourself during this last 40 years, you vivid remember your head, touch anything including you yourself hit the wall for funny, or wake yourself up to study, or funny like trying your brain for knocking at a piece of brick?

Feeling cute ?

Comic book? Sneaker included?

Do you have the car accident so severe, that one time shock afterward, you can no longer driving or you are shaken. 

Are you a girl or a boy?

Were you aware that is a brain injury when you fallen, including the cooking, or soemtimes getting a cereal boxes, or reaching high on the ground with or fallen on the stool like Tamang's back? There is no back?

Do you remember any incident you knocking at your teeth, or playing with someone, its a wall, its a teeth, its a grass, its a kick someone behind you, someone at your head, at the back of your head? Where on the back of your head, do you remember?

Neck or the head, where the hair is?

Have you seen any doctor, or the teacher to report the incident such as that.

Can you relate all the above incident in the clear day or time, that these things have happened.

I hope you all be honest.


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