
It would be really really really sad....for One person walking out of there, its the Frozen isn't it (Hunger Games)

All Dr. T's class. Every honor class. They already investigated to that or it is a more stricter world in America than I imagine to this American Medical Data Records, how they ending up that class formation. 

At least to me, those ....what I see. 

For example, even including the American President, you will never have that Clinton event incident nor this Legally Blonde 2 imply. You know what I mean under the real lawful strategic planning, so saying....they facilitate that one Obama, it has to be, rigid. And every terms of that Presidency, its a strictly lawful measurement, not to screw up ME here, for saying testing the foreign affair, or the overseas staffs. They will investigate all manners to ensure that is not done on purpose. 

That is the only democracy norm reason how they guarantee their citizen right. I think America deliver that. I can bring up the arguments, I can say I see I got locked on the Television, that face is Tina, that face is Janice's son. 

I didn't file the real lawsuit, correct. Because I think they doing it very strictly after that one Clinton incident. I just need to solve it that problem until I found out that causes. 

In other words, that UB Honor Class were done year after years. Seriously every Class being selected in there were their GPA supposes to guarantee before admitting into that one class. But however, if any one of them failed inside that class, none of us would be told clearly why that is the case. Everyone is on their competition to get a good grade.

For example, I myself will NEVER imagine someone just drop the entire scholarship program and the college life all together. That is a small class, not the big class. I will be very very shock that time, and get very very upset.

So I don't think UB were lying upon their entrance to that Dr. T's class door. Not really.

But as the IQ equip students, what you define even in my own high school, what you called the honor class its called 資優班, among that 25 fix classroom /classmate's class, one room class its the Honor Program. I know that.

... Same to the First lady school in my own City.

I personally know what that is, and what might be written long year after year like Harvard in the Medical Board Data sheet, including if that is 5 Lake strategic idea, how, they willing to fail all students like I myself did F on that ground through a magazine. 

That F on the ground is not ....how shall they later in this world will later define in the generation ..."Not the Zombie movie way", its a literally on the ground. That piece of information I know that so. No, UB doesn't know. 

That will be really really really scared Movie: The Day After Tomorrow

That kind of the America saying. 

Legally Blonde, you only like I Myself, follow the order. Its very scary. It did affect me. Every step the way. I literally just drifting on the wood floating back on the ocean sea, trying to hold on, never argue, never explain, just keep moving on. Behind, they are doing this how rightful they are....I am scared out of myself over the TV, they are glorify how big money life they gonna becoming.

I personally.....would tell you that is very very sicken. 

Someone drifting on the wood to that ocean that cross....exhausted to shore on the coastline, to that every day, my life I have live through. I couldn't really say one word on any comment its completely out of my freaking mode starting with the Black Ops through that Project Camelot, I don't think they themselves in the American youthful height and beautiful, will ever do as far as I ever gone for...in life.

That freaking it out to how darken their uniform they are smile-ing on their own face inside that Classify System, to the guys, to the senior, to the American freedom.

I cannot describe to you one word, not one word. I have no time to even describing my every horror. Really.

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