
I am on the Ep 44 - 温暖的弦 = here the script says some older guys saying starting to sue them.


... ... I think you all just question if there is someone does on purpose to the public media eyes why my family, or you yourself keep showing up as everyone else your reason how to ending up a Witness program excuse, no more works. You want a reason how you have a value.

In one of the.....New Age, for saying you "identify" whom you are, the ego-complex structure as the Law of One stated, there are 2 types of the people, one is Self-out, one is Self-in. That path of the destructive or what you saying from here, going out there.....you probably will die on Earth.

No, they don't do those things on purpose, not even in the education purpose. Not really, not I know of. 

This TV name is = how you hold on that string. The Life line, you know what that is in English saying? 

No, I didn't sue them, I didn't write anything behind yet. If you didn't see that on the blogger, no that is all I got now. I already reply that situation for...some of that this can be seen here. I say my comment just the other lawsuit: I agree the High Tech to continuously explore the options on this planet or some agreement from the Past, Present to the Future, continue that development. I authorize that. Not official, but agree to that all things seen so far. I think that is fine. 

They get all the paper works done, I will sign on it. The American Congress will handle all that. They need to get anything from the past too. They had a government body structure. You can make it a clear writing, not on the turtle back one of those? I can read it myself, really. Including French. I do slowly on that. I have enough time.

ET is one of those lazy being doing lazy things repeating gazillion times on every humanoid civilization, so one of us are not very height state like they repeat their every words like the second time, they snap, or I snap !!!!!

Try not to put us together, but our patience are not limitless.....Do you want to try to asking them the next 500 years their side of contract seeing you all next beyond this Da Vinci position starting from me, to extent that anything the scientific development over that Bio idea? You don't have anything new that exciting remember? You have an excuse, and all my writing at the Google site 2014 starting?

See if they can authorize that first of all.

Because you have the side by side course works, to almost identical to the Past, I written everything "I pretend" remember? So either its form the Da Vinci or that Nikola Tesla, you mapping it out how far that timeline can be reach, your Bible only have this 1000 years.


I think we have a lot of the jam up situation right now. Really, everywhere is all jam up, they all have the money just how we can deal with all this problem, in every sectors. You have to make sure, this is the Crystal Skull telling me they jam up Eon of that Eon...forget about it. But you human here try not to keep jamming up, really.


No he didn't leave. The interior design, I am telling you thousand time. No, not Pang. No. Its ironic funny.

I think that might be India or China ( , ) (     ) so, how do you suppose to write over there? Between that Eben's role and his gf.

No, I hear it, the scientific expo exhibition after that. No, it won't ever coming out of those participant's mouth. So I am looking at.....a stimulate conversation through that interface to where the human faces are mock up as through that veil as ....

Someone whom knew that kind of the language re-write?

"I remember" what I told Eben in 2018 or 2019. There is a screen, there is a slow motion, there is an introduction whom you are, what you are.

Hallo, I am Macintosh?

Westlife has this "Hallo, my love?"

We are so screw, if that is what it is.

Which years of that technology supposes to be? 

"Activate !" "is that equivalent as Light up?" "Light up."

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