
I drank too much soup last night. Too much water. Where is the American Medical Board and American military....something about this night market. Night!

I got up too many times for the bathroom, and I am still not awake.  What date is today? April 26th.

One time I saying about this "Water" I intake when, and I say I am not feeling well at all. Remember that? When I say about the Ancient things, do you find out anything?! Technically the plants kingdom what we defined are always stay with the textbook are correct, its called the vascular plants, meaning the roots to the trunk to the leafy, (leaves) and those are the most primitive you saying how the life begins from the Sunlight at "a mechanism", because you don't say the rock has the life, you see?!

You are checking this evolutionary biology, I am just saying all these are correct, that definition if we are using it, it means its practical so I am explaining it to you. We, as the human we are not the vascular plants, but you will say almost identical ideas within the Kingdom of God under that Creation laws, we are created in the water sphere planets and everything and everyone will die without the water, and I say this planets it toooo wet. Meaning, do you check the air? This allergy between the people's immune system is that largely because of the liver, I could see that, or there are something else?

For example, Buddha time says after the Noon time, they don't eat. Is there anything saying don't drink after 8 olock at night? One of those? I am the one testing this never stop, I would have say if I can gain back my normal weight, one of those I do routine in my real life? And what if this is in Taiwan, this will have to be the islander's weather, right outside those are your favorite the fried mushroom night market? Do we have in this night market frying the which mushroom, Shitaki or those nick used to picking them, not Shitaki, big ears looking mushroom to fry? America you selling them very expensively. 

(Birds) I was saying is...human should eat mushroom, there was a City of Hope him, and he knew why I have some of those, I shouldn't be imagining? But we have an agriculture success here? The rain forest distribution from the zero to 100000cm, how tall is the tree? Their distribution height. One of the evolutionary biology will talk about the things get on the rocks at those moisture too densing feeling inside the rain forest without the Sun, because all those tall tree are too cover up the region below, they are the algae, populate on the dead surface ocean zone on the top layer?

So what is the Fungi, speaking that word sound like very normal American English? 


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