
Where is the Canada GED or what not Education / priesthood / MD, not if South Dakoda, or that would be Harvard Now the Medical center? What is this f(x)=y=0 on nick's Skype?

f(x) is a function, when you define x and y coordinate. It does not have to be = 0.

Such as y=ax+b, a is a slope. A slope means a diagonal line on the coordinate math charts or you say slander. Why I keep saying slander sound like 斜線, what is the correct English saying that? 

Slanted, you mean without the capital "slant" or "slanted", I am looking up my dictionary online.  That is a for sure adj ends at slanted, that is a verb? When that porsilin doll did that or I did that NSYNC, that is a verb? 

Sloping, oh no, not biased, I know what bias means. I probably means more the surface of the slanted flower bed? Not opinionated, really. 


I mean what happened to that nick since 2013. The awaken of the Saturn? 

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