
I have heard something really strange according to Harvard, or someone else. Its by per credit class, because I was in-state tuition to UB. I am the resident that time to apply. Not immediately...

The inductive logic that class its later on....they do math like per credit class tuition charges, that class its 3 credits. I remember ! So how that money is made its by how much investment going in to given that the resource of the small tiny to becoming big giant infinite? ! 

One of those their math degree ! 

A lot of things when I hear, I wasn't sure. But I trust them, so I carry them out. I did. Sometimes also because there are imaged coming in. I going along with it, not I really meant it there are money in it. What can you do? I go to hell with it? There is a Title?! 

Later I found out might be money in it. I didn't do it because of the money, but I can see there are influenced among that. I could see it and feel it and knowing it. The monetization, no...

But I trust what they say, and there is some other consideration also. 

Sometimes I early in my life I hear someone says, so I always trust something like that, you need to have a main job, before you imagine there is an investment and throughout a lot of the later when I gone in the US, they saying that also. I didn't have a choice but to stay home, and a lot of people also saying that with the internet. I agree all of them say. Its true. 

Saying Thor or Zawanna, I think I go mostly its the American military their Data because...probably its more of them say. 

That both didn't say much of every other things, I put more on the back, its not so immediate yet. Plus they are higher civilization, you hope its really not like that, but it might just like that, so I leave it.

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