
I used to seen some European EF, both the guys and the girls.

... ... To me those are the ilegal context, they end up in the jail or they are not talking to me so. One of those.

Its tooooo cold the Earth Sphere every temperature in the girl's outfit to me.


The ending picture on the left side, you see how the girls dress up?



I think our Space and Time might be really really really wrong. O U Language....

But correct, technically after 10 looooong years, I made the last 2 or 3 video, I am jumping back and forth and seeing Ronan's video 4 years ago. I think it was already OU. People are dead, or they are all gone, or just about half of them are dead.

Seriously looking like that.

I always saying this, why my life is not free...can you someone stop this never stop fighting or the Otter showing you they never stop spinning, between this One me, one Tim Cook, One American president That side by location, and quickly fix all this?

Its very very tiring on my EYES.


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