
If I never seen human, why I need that kinds of the offices? 我高興 When I feel like, I am glad.

Otter if they coming in, they will stand like they doing the business, not as the patient, other than touching their tooth brush as a gift packs?

This is not the residential place. Its an office separate from home. In Asia, not like Europe or America, I think most people renting those warehouse, or locker's room. Probably you have the offices. But in Asia, your office to your home might be walking distance, you never had that kinds of the life, in a settle neighborhood, walking distance?

Food distance night market?

Table dinner VIP guests lists walking distance?

I do what I like. I might going in the Ireland sometimes just be humane parts of that, but that is for the summer. I return by the falls. If Shane coming in to seeing around staying 3 months, then he goes back to his world, happy there staying...what 3 meals I saying or toiletry or the interior design. No more car expense.

They are having the fan clubs there.

They assuming I don't have the court room what they pulling strings or thread. That is entire my business talking to whom here. But for the humane parts, helping them, the court is not calling me yet. 

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