
No, not Westlife. It’s bio Chem / molecular biology. Dr Shen got a new lab not on the ground floor anymore in City of Hope.

If I go back to America, my mother can go to Tina or Pang sewing cloth. America is always civilized. Hank supposes to go to America too …
I usually understand that part, the immigration means I go there?

I can just go to California - they have the school there. They American needs to tell me it’s me blind or everyone else is. That’s very very very bad I think whatever it’s here in Asian or if I imagine in America too? You look at their eyes, they don’t react, not moving their head, meaning …they are not focus. If they frown or squeeze their eyes, they didn’t wear the contact and no eye glasses. 
I think it’s something funny. 
I am not sure I pass my eye exams anymore. 
You put those blinds on the road on purpose or their eyes sight are all better than me so they have the driving license ?
They cannot look at their PC monitor or they pretending ?

I look at these stuffs everywhere I turn in Asia - I always knew they blind but American are supposed not blind, and how they go to work if no driving liscence ? They memorize that chart? That’s a universal the same chart? You mean you cheat on the DMV, and the American police let you go?

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