
Pinterest album

I forget, it supposes to be the ugliest things I ever seen this album. What was it? Keanu's contemporary Hollywood Art, the Hollywood Hill, that is not a mountain. What was it.....I forget the New Age or what things in that modern, right...the modern decoration layout. I think I stay in Taipei. Not in America. I think...because otherwise they will stop at the airplane. They almost done that, I think that is what I think. They did take the initiative, so the destination its here home.


Hank too.  I just gonna buy what he says this home entertainment unit, he used to put that in Trump's Towel. Including a very elaborate fabric those lightening switch to what things that operates just a remote control.  He loves best those garbage, so there was a AI arm remember? 

Probably gets him a trainer or something. AI arm never says, but it won't look too pretty.  A trainer and a doctor I think.

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