

Its a instructional lecturing mechanism behind. Most time people just too nervous to be on the front, not necessary on the top of the stage, that makes that microphone super nervous. You prepare your draft, and you teaching things more than your "creative writing", because that materials are not textbook saying its per knowledge base, ingrain into what you say, what you making an example to, or a practical sense of that on-stage lecture, you given the audience a clear direction where they go about their research, their writing, that makes them remember some facts.

Its not for everyone, but I am pretty they meant everyone get on with it. 

You trying to say you are confrontational. The day that really being confrontational, your temperament, your situation, your face make you stuck at that very moment, everything freeze up.  You didn't interact with the people that much, you didn't capable not to blank out your mind, when someone saying something.

You channeling anger first, not listening first what that saying from that person. You blind enough not to see what they making that sense was from ADD, or from a fake enemy imagination, if you would have seen enough cases of just exposing yourself to enough human. Every human merits has a flaws, and every single year they all behavior exactly the same thing never changes. 

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