
Taiwan democracy claim - Do they have that legally everywhere, meaning Taiwan if its democracy, your UB textbook that is logic? Saying?

Today I had a talk, I feeling something so I gonna write about it.

If a nation under that fire to bring sprouts of their rudimentary belief through the democracy process were still in the physical body-touch the barbarian to making a point, there is some merits room or literacy in their education they are not rising up the UN level were true to that the present case.

If the fostering process as a nobility society, for saying the music, art, and theater are part of the introducing that way of life gearing more up to the upward of the civilization development in this case would be the society itself upward, its likely all that be forgotton its the slow made progress a pace hasty were not the eye of the Apples IT trendy / inducing method.

The literacy in their education and the IT development methods in that development of that country be watchful the continuation of that fostering to a nobler concept of views including the progress to make a dialogue to UN seat I think its the present case they are not as they say as they did to that IT development regardless how the upward their overall investment trying to be were their offerspring choices this far.

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