
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿ’˜๐ŸŒฎ The textbook, Taiwan we have 5 division under the Constitution Right On the Top, so the Educational Department its under one of the 5. Now, Switch Taiwan name to "America", that division is 3, under one of them is the Education Department ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿ’˜๐ŸŒฎ

Because its the American Congress has to process a lot of that stuffs, including what I wrote in 2020. All that has to going through a legal procedure, just leave them alone. But the textbook has the ISBN number, any kind of the textbook. 

Am I authorized? To write a textbook, you are a Ph.D you can write a textbook. 

... ... I have told them, or everyone every brainy things inside that what I think of. Correct, its what I pharse, or re-word, what I think or I conceptually re-phrase I think of. That is not the super important points, because anyone can sit in and listening to. No, I don't publish the textbook with them, oh ~ Zawanna?

oh no ! Not that guy, what he thinks or considers to be a normal day to day conversation or how you live your life from his tradition, there is nothing normal those kids in his world, at his Time and Space, there is nothing normal they talk about, or dressing about I guess.  

People like about this guy? Zawanna? I don't really know if he is THAT old, but he is WAY too old for any of you. Beside he is a MD, that he talks doesn't look like a normal MD, right....

There is a lot of things I considering normal, you don't think its important or normal such as the Tape Water factory, he might thinking more this planting trees, the legacy of a book written about to do more environmental cause, not exactly our worldly language, but "striving for", "the efforts delicate" or "delegate the causes to...." "toward a common of the utopia, the socialism of....unfair unjustice treatment man and animal." He is more those committee exam board, its "you better believing it deep core" those type, not you mumble with the money you care about but you cannot stay on the jobs.

Thor would be you should plant a tree.

But Zawanna would be you really really go and needed to plant a tree.

I think that is the difference. You forgotton I keep saying the long longevity, you can accomplish a lot of things, you are all not gearing toward that too big of widely spread skills including the committee board right now using your fame or the publicity to step over their brain, one day given them back the MD piece of paper just not right now, but you keep uttering enough video nothing but the same textbook, they might just knowing it sincerely your heart, you did taken those textbook classes and found out, how you twist and turn in life. Like you say you are, you meant you are.

The committee board members, no one say has to be the committee board memeber's leadership ~~~ That is WAY too normal to talk about the longevity causes and reason and logic....if not just file-ing the paper works to sound like every Friday night I live alone to the fake Zawanna human or Thor hoovering somewhere.....

I would tell you this ....some people

They doing this about the business or the Corperation worlds, for example, you all imagine I used to be in UB, that having several runs, myself in UB that entire big campus.

You remember the building name and exactly structure of it?

I starting that in the high school, because things are in different building within that one school, and what did I ever comment things to you all to all those things I ever said? Not one word you hear me. 

It is that people like Zawanna those doing the business tooooooo long in the Corperation interest + the committee board, or the license board, or the examine board, whichever the combination toooooo long too long too long, he tends to forgotton he used to have a major, what he used to flair in the on-campus life, you saying a textbook major, a university tutoring service, or receptionalist jobs seeing the "students". He knew exactly what those are.

But you saying if...I Anna, forget it about this Zawanna knowing what I am doing.

Showing you exactly the step....and even explaining to you as if the back end people don't know how I am....

From FDA structure building to the Medical Board liscene committee board, to MLS annual librarian book meeting, or the more Librarian association means that Web 4.0 stuffs....the cafe budget to the public library one of those, you sit in Vangh town the real meeting AT TIRED Night under those flueoescent light, for a real reason why you keep doing this...you seeing the stranger of every sectors people.

NOT Zawanna or Thor, these commander, or commander-in-chef, for saying the Galactic console or the negotiation table between the Star or the Galaxy System.

We imagine things, true.

On Earth, I only simply says, you are not transpassing the Department too much yet on just one Taipei Google 101 you have a problem to let them know, you saying the 5th avenue, what's so big deal Anna I say transpassing the department, because, just like you shopping routine in the safe police zone....I tell you when the police forces are AI secured, meaning all things are just going in and going out of the UNO shopping Department store, what you define the Rich and Wealth only there be spotted 5 mins, its out of the stationary bookstore, with the bag that the cashier just tape it with their special tape in between the paper design bag, called the luxury bookstore.

To that Safe neightbhoor one day on Earth, you can transpassing EVERY building for saying the transportation public or high tech, you get to the committee metallic steel, Lionel Luthor those metal too shining, too cold, too Corperate look of the particular design offices, not MINE Pinterest, those Bashar looking, its the navy floor or carpet, to this darken fluoescence light, not like Apple's creative suite.....

You never collaborate with someone, you could just get on the things and talk about the same language and NEVER skip a BEAT, you know what I say, or you mean bilateral or torso in which of the which I mix up the specie or the Creation that Creator made?

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