
This is not the executive order - I state it over and over and over again, or every post invovled this I will KEEP saying it = this worlds its democracy world FOREVER or ETERNAL.

All business and commercial sectors to where targeting the movie material, be AT the COURT, because I personally don't know what to tell you, they bringing the Medical Board, Technology, Law experty...Like those Librarian Corperation side of the Vendors, I think they went to the ship, out of the Washington D.C or however they saying that. I have no idea where is America.

To this sense, I don't have time for saying 00000000000000000000000000000 this huge amount of money, where is my money at the court? What time do you have? When I starting this 194 countries, if UN its the one talking to this Open Galaxy other than America.

I will be in WHICH skill workers personality at?

On Earth, we the have geography map that is all the flag under my one piece of paper here. To me that is normal, the only normal thing, FOREVER.

We had a French revolution in 1789 but the Church and State Separate were in England Henry 8? I don't know all that history. Someone gives me a sense I don't want to hear anymore this First life, First Royal, whatever garbage I keep saying it was probably a regent nature too, and that SOOOOOO EON again Eon after Eon after Eon, Kalpa after Kalpa after Kalpa, Wheel after Wheel....military I think. 

I don't want to talk about anymore this why running a law cases, or why that 200 years, your court room case + the amount of exceeding 400 millions dollar fees were similar to the Medical World business. The law itself, the local court proceeding all money charging similar to DMV liscence plate and the license charge?

Can anyone in that flag room, in-line Supreme Court, to this 200 years Laws proceeding methods in America alone, what's the money invovled for saying revenue if not Gross income?

Can you imagine, I even knew THAT WORDS? The gross income, the net, the revenue?

How strange.

Don't talk to me about this Royal stuffs, really. There are a serious business only conducting in the right mindful set even the Communism will tell you that is not the Royal Bloodline entails. Therefore, before this Communism fade out, or they ever will, they need to go to court.....uh...one of those 2 circle entwind, you make a case of...



Either, nor.....for sure its always the economic finance gears toward the population amount exceeding to the metropolitan, we have a National Emergency backup food or water, but everyone expected to go to the university or the graduate school in Western World for learning the manner, independence, the girl or the guys, the stability of that NOT tears inside all your eye frames, really.

Learning about the bio fuel, learning about the Pet laws, learning about the Black Ops, learning about the conspiracy or the POLITICS structure fore verbalize your per degree statement to sound like a civilized side of human, NOT APE for Tomorrow. What is the movie called that name in Chinese or in English? Really?

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