
Upon the last post to my first excautive order will be K1 - K12 examination through that Movie: Twlight hinted (the other way), we used it not just the real life scenario so they going on their mind boggling debates in their local City Hall....

Its upon all SMCH delcares since 2010, all materials this transpassing astral, or Heavenly alike all toward "in-line" structure to our World under all National Flower, all National Anthem, all National Flag, Persian does not exist ON THE MAP. The dinasourt is not on the land stepping all over the pedestrian road. The Taipei, its 20 years, the pavement road its glasses shining in it, made of. All corner arts ....of One Block defined.

All walking-in, souls humanoid looking are required to be examined at the border to all these passing Visa issues, and landing Visa issues will be upon now in the discussion.

Its either you stolen the memory by telepathy, told to do like those baby Otter the physical body sense the parenting telling you doing so, we separate the baby all without the air be seen in front of them, its the trust that bond, I declare, you technically process that every paper works saying your mind are sanely normal why you saying you are all Military Iconic, Commander-in-Chef, and where is the Helen Keller, upon our planet, or next by Mars.

There is an Bio Hank AI.

Between me and him, why don't you find out how to channel all that one AI, for ALL the soon-to-arrival statues: entering upon the Earthly Gate force Open Frozen story, we are not on-Time?

"Its simply statue I am late?" (Princess Diary)

And Shut up ~  This is the final Bible Judgement DAY. The Earth doesn't have the Bible anymore, nor spirituality, nor Zen, nor meditation to all mind not examined at the AI statue, its all fails. 

No precepts starting. Tell me the exact liquidarian / breatharian above human population data. Between the man and the woman included. 

All 194 countries through that UN, stack up K1-K12 all textbook materials, if you decide to addinig up the vocational school, what kinds and the community college, the college, or the University textbook when you define what is the undergraduate.

That is post secondary institution.

Get your every word corrected, upon all this Visa, Landing Visa, Special Skill Workers, and one of those American only looking "One person walking out of the Universie Commander-in-Chef", define what does that mean? Their personal wish and pray

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