
What I gonna tell your parents are .....this is what I gonna say to American Medical Board. "At the current I will not initiate place to stamp from America going back to Poland, Ukraine, Mexico, India, Hong Kong or China...."

"Their re-settlement of the home land."

When your parents coming in, if I have the resource that time, I will talk to them the printing format of the map I can find from the Google map, that doesn't mean I am very oriented to their own book store, or the traveling map in their country. They should be all democracy format right now with all the international flying routes true to its nature.

Yeah, its one-by-one. I coming back to Taiwan though, I don't have any location in America anymore. So that American Medical Board has to know my initiate points its from Taipei, Taiwan. Its near China, India, and Hong Kong too. They will be the minority. 


Your parents need to have some incentive about that map, when me and them discuss. So when they do show up, its a real life situation. Meaning not one of those American Medical Board don't take care, they meant whom else have more leisure time to talk one person-to-per person. They willing or not willing to state their problem. They can just go to their existing medical family doctor including the UB whomever can oversees all that.

But technically I did tell your parents groups. That initial points have to start here Taiwan. This is my base, my job now.

When I finish Washington D.C, in the future, whichever 5 to 10 years included, I still flying back to Taipei Taiwan, let's say, that 5-10 years I start to purchasing the local property, or whichever this Shane, they are not American included. It might be Japan, or Korea...?? Is that the flying route to Ireland, it is shorter. But i cannot understand a word what Shane says.

You as the American side....including this MCAT never gonna finish the double major, will not help anyone other than you finish your exam first. Meaning That is European, and me, not American.

You should understand how that plot out.

Its European side, not American you all = zero things delivered until the MCAT or anything else pass in their liking. Again....I say.

I am living in Asia, facing Europe. There is nothing in America other than you all keep studying. No Party, no business console, no location, no housing plan, no groups, no reunion like JC says. There is nothing. My base is here in Taipei, or Japan, or Korea...not sure which one of them.

I live in Taipei right now, that is what I mean. For my own very reason, I really need to live at my security not feeling threaten, like you all parents being threaten by you all.



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