
Technically your parents need the Medical NOW, meaning any related costs they found out. So next 1-5 years, I am not moving really yet?!

And also becasue when I landed...I found out these birds start opening up their mouth + Japanese Otter, or they always been clear to the human factors?

You might have 194 country police networks alone, including right next by China, got nothing but the money to opening up these birds, SAY It? 

Under that situation = When I land, I found, or WE found out....

This entire situation need to modified while I landed place becoming the priority somewhat for "the directed cause, or to the causes and to the benefits from the local or the neighboring countries in desperation",  therefore I cannot be in America, to taken your parents one by one to the hospital, or their own countries one-by-one to the their Poland, Ukraine, or Mexico Hospital. That is the standard. But what I can do its, I asking them coming in, and if they have other networks, not dying out, young or old Polish, or Ukraine, or Mexican, or Indian....they can all just flying in, and make a schedule of it.

If my future which time-frame I return to the US, they can still visit Taipei Taiwan hospital or plastic themselves on it.....that is entirely their freedom to their free will, including their youth, their gf, or their every other 2nd, 3rd wife, or 2nd bf, 3rd husband....etc. That freedom is solely they found out Taipei, they coming here.

As for at that time, they want to, still using that expensive American hospital, or their country hospital system, they can only talk to me WHILE I land back to America one-by-one. Right now you are all very very very selfishly not to take them to the hospital to find out. I have no other ways to do it. 

They have to be in Taiwan, I talk to them one-by-one without any of you. You are not given them the opportunities, or just the tickets money.

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