
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ฅ You girls finally go and ask your Dad? Just so happening, everyone we are is on running ....Life terms. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ฅ

I didn't really hear it. The group leader, the group activities, the club leadership, or the organization leadership...Most time you all having a very passive mode of moving your club activities, you participate, that doesn't mean you going along with it unless its your schedule allows whatever that Ayo says, and most of there are girls.

Your personality didn't want to get involve and do a public speaking, or for some reason you feeling it= its everyone hates you, or you hate those leadership people whom think that they are !!! So you don't want to be perceived like that. So now you wish your Dad has that experience to tell you how you go about your life, REALLY?

And you look at your own mirror, you seeing everyone talking in some where you remember the leadership, none of you will EVER be the leadership because of that remembrance of the Past, let me guess, both me and Wei from Sigapore? And that is not to compete and compared to that one position promise guarantee....let me guess its Eben Pagan agenda. We might just all die, so NEVER be more a lot stressful, if if if worsen its everyone lived on. 

When the people die, you sad about, you cried about, you die down, and one day you diminishing your spirits so much, you gone to the graveyard. Because your vitality keep insisting so much on the wrong things, if that Court Room function for saying to re-organize itself and something from the External Factor to be TOO Giant to be accepted, we will all be doomed, because none of you prepared. I won't be saying anything anymore for sure.

Some one wishing you all well, never til that points on. You are already in the mode of regretting, not to say that points, its your whole life time, instead of remorse or regretting to be on purpose sabotage your life, something hopeful coming along, you regret it, you did that to yourself. What mercy someone else eyes really had long time ago.

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