
Your father Dr. Steven Hairfield, can just sign this life with all the accusation I made against you, as I am the honorable superior decree forever you vow no precepts starting your first life, this wedding proven, the court soften your misery to get in the water, like all TV says expel finalized to the Next Eternity.

He can just sign and walk out of that. He doesn't need to know what is your Best friend, but I am sure he was told that is honey and blood, and someone like get the poison to finish that film those years myself made a blogger lightly says on Tony.

To what degree anyone hears, so my justice to when that First Life ever be Karmic retribution you sent here the end of the Universe, the end of the milkyway, its all your bad karma, you can stop blaming on every disciple other than your own very karma + the court soften your very life, to this what you do with your money to bankrupt without the money yet. And your verbal abused to the TV for saying its everyone else faults, its whom you are, what you are, what you continue to exist. I Honorable Superior Eternal already made it very very clear, your language is very bad, your attitude is very bad, your eternal karma just as this grave yard looking every degree down. I have nothing else better to say whom you are, what you are, what you make yourself looking like on that Television.  All the proceeding lawsuit for all the disciple on those oral abused, can be sue at OU language. It is your fallen state, you probably try to deny at the court room hearing. 

He just be told, he was aware of all that on the first life here. He was directly told by me, written by me, per film I indicate what you ever done, or he himself can just see what exactly you had done. 

Or all these disciple shows up on the film, per film, they bring forward.Sit over there. Hand me the microphone and a stick and gun.

You will pain to hell when I say per words without death, you will quianst nothing but pain life every single session.  We resume every single time until you learn...its per session per life, per degree, I say I am the Eternal, learn it.

I don't need to draft to sound like how eternal I forever will be or already was.....

Everything is exactly the warming to the whole humanity including your per disicple the eternal life. Its every word I say, exaclty funny and tale. Make it funny and tale. Laugh, its nothing but laughing buddha regime, when I say kneel, you kneel, when I say open your mouth, you speak the words, when I say laughing all laugh, and clap, this is really really really fun !!! Fun all the way to heaven ground. Got it?

The whole Earth doesn't need to be all knowing on live stream, the whole cosmo, see how I sent the entire earthly every human degree burn in the forever and eternal hell. What the lawsuit degree, just playing for fun on digits. Math. You best friend, your best man, ....whom cared I ever got invited?

Every heart has to be touched....per charity I say if you don't return the money, you will all bankcrupt including the Earth...understand?

Show up, per throwing at you SMCH faces, when I say my money, you never had one facial muscle move the shame. Remember my only devotion and loyalty, its bring all your husband gf, and bf, in front of her, make her pain in per degree burn FOREVER and ever, including words, thoughts, saying to her vivid, remember me...

Only deliver what I saying so, no less....only I forever exist, never her.

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