
Anatomy - joint

Every junction of that saying, its 2 bones. Any bone inside your entire body, its the part of the skeleton, never fails. The very basic definition of the modern anatomy any textbook, and forever. Its in one human body, that is the skeleton, that is every bone you raise up with your hand or touch to that one person, its forever equal to the Anatomy of that one person, that one person's skeleton.

I wonder why I always have to talk like that......really.

All knuckle, they are all the bone, bone, bone. The skeleton, why that definition you look at it, its = Skeleton? 

Your entire body has a structure, not just the skin thin, or the muscle red, or your face red. How does your face turn red?

My face so pale, very easily to turn red. I was.

The rope or the strings are like those you were the children's play, we that time in the child time, wasn't like today you have the PC or the mobile phone or the app. We play the folk song, folk story, the children's litearcy and the ropes or the string, like how you using your dental floss.

You never play that on your fingers, you don't have to pull that hard on yourself with the bones. I never do those things. If the doctor I see, they do that, I let the doctor doing all that, I myself touching the bone, not that I copy the TV says?

You have an interest for the guy to acknowledge and feeling good if you massage on him, you mean he realizes he really needs you that 3 seconds you do that? 

I got this feeling, something about the massage its so so so so important between you and the guys. Like they mild to talk to you or smile to you or they praise to you, one of those?

It doesn't make a sense to me on you or on the guy, so I say something. It doesn't make any one sense to me. Not really.  The massage refers to would be his neck and the shoulder parts, the behind when you coming close ...isn't that a lot of the hand strength to go on the thumb or the 4 clutch things on that 2 shoulder. That is what people love to do?

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