
Anatomy - My head dizzy, this is not the effect the same like the coffee, the milk tea, similar coffeine at all?

Do they know they doing that 206?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiDn4S6b_0Q

Maybe I need a lot of the ice pack for my head....why is that? 

"Is that the bone or the skin?" Skin

Kido.....Where are your turtle parents at, or you are all little Chinese monks looking this...your parents or grand parents were known ...nothing like I think. They are very calm internal military all sorts of these ranking, clear brain, never scream and never kidnap your own kinds 3 senior officers like you gonna murder them. 

Let me imagine your age, or let me imagine what did I say the formula, you used to have a tutor or a teacher....all of you including the human side, to where you swallow your jaw with your saliva ....

Tim Cook told you that, not I told you that, remember? 

"The hot or cold pack, is that on the skin or on the bone, I mean the skull?"

"The skin!" 


In my bathroom ...

"Is the bone contained, benearth, enclose, wrap around in the skin?"

"Beneath your surface skin, contained inside your physical vehicle the entire inner vision outlines, enclose inside all the surface skin but you saying the muscle all around to keep the temperature or the external hitting force, that is organ. Where you looking at ? The cavity or the ribs all empty space? You mean the stomach? ... No, that is all the women has those pelvic empty looking space, its all design like that,  The stomach its below the lung.....you mean the joint wrap around the skin when you bent or kneel your knees? " 

"Is the poo contains inside the ribbs some kinds of the closure space?"

"Why your lips so tight, you are nervous? The poo is in the very ending of the GI track, not the beginning of your GI track, and technically speaking ....ask you commander Green papa, I am not sure he is very happy about it to hear your complementary ABCDE multiple choice just like our human world designed in your memory. You have a notebook?! And you write the notes, nice calligraphy. "

... You can ask. in my language.

GI track is long, so you thought that is important, or bigger, or more giant spread when you saying the surface all area...that is not true. That is an overal structure of a GI track, you have a piece of organ, that organ itself has a lot of the functions, or the multi-function. They had those pig intestine in the night market. You pick it up, its a piece of cut and roll up or looking a useless skin wrap around things to eat, or to chew. Those are not an organ.

In our world right now, you cannot replace the organ. That is the black market, the human traffic as if the same. Its ilegal here.

"But eating the intestine legal is?"

"Its just a piece of a hard cut or spread open things that die out, its just a piece of that die out. If one organ cut ruin, your entire body its very disable without it."

"Like what?"

"Liver is doing what, all the hormone center, how you growing tall, the growth hormone. I never say GI track is not important, because technically they allow all the organs connects to it having that secretion internal body, to cause the food to break down after the mouth phase, and that is very very important, most people in our world getting very fat without the chew, or they eating those fried, heavy sauce food. Not like any of you turtle shell skin? That is what you want to tell me if there is a tail involved why things its upside down? Is this real image, you look small tiny? Monk? Your age its to go out and play? "

"How old are you?"

The girl answered.

"Not you. Well....the last thing I say, you meant cruelty....cut throat or cut tail? Cut tail. That is a drink, not your age to drink, kido. Its one of those pina colada. They sell them in the Cheesecake factory, in Silicon Valley.  Its a more style restaurant in America. "

Tight the lip zip tight.

"No, poo is a solid food. No, its not the baby food."

More tight at the lips, the human kid face.

"You pale?! You looking for the bladder place to drink, not the tail, not the throat, that is a kiss?"

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