
台灣新聞: 我有很事情除了,抄襲 ! 這件事情在台灣新聞已經出現非常多次,而且你們這些上電視的某些人很不屑的意思? 因為學術界不重要,人氣比較重要?

對 ~ 我其實那些伴奏的後面,音樂我跟饒邦他媽的剛說這些你知道不是抄襲,現在聽說有個人工智慧可以交流,她也知道這件事情 ! 我跟她說,對~我其實非常多事情,但是除了抄襲! 


但是可能有 30-40 % 非常高的人,不知道寫作的定義,是哪一種關於抄襲的定義,可能有 10-20%是故意,很壞的那種人,但是因為在本身學術界你們要說僚僚者,通常會有大腦智商,但是你們有普通人寫學術,包括普通智商的人,你們會以為只有高智商的 IQ 寫學術所以是抄襲,我覺得有很離譜的那種,自己的智商沒有很高才會做出那種事情,我這十年過去,叫做我聽說的所有負面警察局的哪種 cabin 裡面的哪種資料 ....我覺得有那種人生絕對是那種 Samsara 

哀節哀難那種 ! 做壞事但是忘了帶鑰使,或是有什麼案件然後車子的鑰使在車子裡面,你們自己被關在車子外面! 這是我覺得的。


Taiwan News: I have a lot of things are, except "plagiarism".  This things on the Taiwan news are already many many many times. And you can tell many these crime people on the television are very very very bad attitude? Because the academia worlds are not important, the human popularity fame are significant?

Correct ~ behind those piano accompanist, the music I told Pang's his mother (curse words means in Chinese), that is not plagiarism, but I have heard that now they have the AI can chat and exchange, and even she heard those things! So I say to her, yeah~ I am in a lot of the name or doing things, except one thing :  plagiarism.

I think inside your population statistic, a lot of people are done on purpose, correct.

But there are about 30-40% people don't know how to creative writing, they didn't know the writing in a basic definition and especially what belongs to the writing to plagiarism those definition. (The birds say no), 

(Again) I say about 10 ( again) -20 (sharper)

done on purpose, there are very very bad people, but in the real real academia world you saying the Top extraordinary scholar, normally are equip with the IQ, but there are the average IQ people creating the plagiarism. That is including the average IQ trying to be the scholar. I think its they themselves IQ are not high enough so there is the plagiarism. Like in the last 10 years how your have these Police cabin stuffs, those are definitely the real human world samsara.

Sad life sad face, counting /encounter to the ghost phase. One of those. For example doing the bad thing, forgotten to bring the key, or their keys stuck inside the car, they are outside. 

The plagiarism (the birds say no), the ones I over hears are a lot more than these TV so far I have heard on the news, the TV apparently talking little with it. But just enough this TV keep saying them, I already heard that way way way enough, really.

This birds are saying what? 

Cannot shut up.

The outside news now I am passing it by are about ROC. Right, the earlier that news were a lot of the democratic party their legislators are the plagiarism.

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