
Ep 36, I personally think Zawanna he writes the medical textbook or including the medical research Ph.D paper. I told you some can be a MD, Ph.D. Some people can arrive to those IQ.


But I told you in his own sunshine worlds, that is also not a normal thing. They like the Corperate books, or the sleek idea. That is probably still a very prosper for the family pride, or the big family business, or some grandpa and grand kid....people's general concept and through the TV, and through the social norm.  

Ep 37:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4QF-8RL7Ek

I personally its a girl. I don't care about the guys thinking about me. Because one day that business might take off, but my SO SO SO traditional value how junks MY FATHER, DADDY so badly EVER in my ENTIRE elementary school life to MY ENTIRE life, it was those business up or down make the life SO horrific for my mother and some comfer, you saying Princess all Disney TV. Those ARE NOT REAL.

No, Zawanna its Earth preservation heavily on that side. Mask its for....more like me chemist on site human not breathing dust or ashes, anything....I feeling like very ashy to my nose. 

He is Flower?! Meaning those alive things its part of him? However he sounds like to me. The preservation of the park, the forest, the land, the fall leaves / leafy, its part of the Earth maybe those hippi New Age included. But he is the Medical Side human to enter bare foot in the mud showing up at the small office sleek Medical Board liscence ...where is the Earth Preservation anything to do with the safety tank, he step into those Hailey's dad safety tank?

Coming out of it?

That is rather odd or new. What is the Earth preservation department has anything to do with the Medical on-site State liscence board? Its one of those Star Galaxy I told you just like our those darken floor carpet, those more relax chair, can bend behind shorter back, but white board? The standard of the small office, but its just one small office like 15 people those chair? You seen those silver metal, next by those not leather, what other options they have?

Its a relax office chair.


More like bending down, some design its not like that, in between that entire back. shorter.

Can I imagine, same human using the cup, using the mug, using the white marker board, and those small office its our standard size, not too huge? Exactly oval shape of the evolution desk? 

its the fluorescence light, what the wonder things. Its cheap on their electricity? When his hair longer black, looks just like that Steve Jobs, longer hair imagine, coming out of this comic book teddy bear detegent....so dirty. What is this Earth Preservation department anything to do with the Medical Board State / Star/ Galaxy their examination board, or the liscence board meeting room relation to?

Do I give you the wheel chair? They all using this exactly same Earth color of this office looking everywhere.

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