
Facebook - W Two Worlds

W 2 world I tell Nicky Micky mouse and me does things, you all UB only do things what I Anna say. China is 40 years behind so me and him show up behind to China if that’s secure us let’s say why we need to be there but they are already dissolve as a band not in-line. Not as a group old, dying out.
Not China in-land.
1) it’s fake. Beggers everywhere
2) that youth leadership military gets hurt, Nicky him what or Shane what and those girls knew everyone else has no culture, the reality China inside.
3) that youth and the guy or the girl to the meeting they each without me or a group, someone likes someone and boys don’t know. No, I say about million times. NO!
That’s the reality what the TV really meant to say
No they give away - that youth leadership gives away. NO!!
Westlife whole things don’t need to get involved! NO!
Similar to European soccer and model!
True. An image but not political base target. They don’t need to enter China. They are on itune already. Everything wireless. Only do what I tell you to do.

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