
I think my parents 我覺得我爸媽其實是政治極端那種,自由意識台灣人,不是你們中國的沒言沒語,然後有一天因為那種邂逅,我出現的關係,他們一個是全家都是國民黨,一個全部都是民進黨,不需要問我尊上覺得他們是怎麼認識的,我生長長大再這邊~同一個家庭,我會不知道發生什麼事情?

My parents are the political driven, one side its all ROC, the other side whole family its the democratic Party.

No, I think its that reason I show up. I knew what they look alike and the grandmom too. 

One has the fashion, one without.

Shut up~ only I know.

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