
He is a Christian, he doesn't, or where he gone to church I won't even know if he ever been to, brought by whom in.

I don't remember he will be saying the ABC words SMCH Vietanese shameful on the blessing Candy.


He doesn't really believe those garbage, like Wendy, like Austin, zero spirituality, ABC Church bell ring ring ring wedding gown over those...princess sleeping in the middle, best in blonde long hair he himself just like you yourself too.

Not really.


No! Head coming out first. 

No! Not dumpling, he likes / LOVES Sailor Moon.


Nicky, my stuffs. No, he....is a lot more taller than Nicky. And...when you look at those height, he is taller a lot more too. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WAB5VxXzVP0

NO!!!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xwKOxBht5Eg

NO!   Not SMCH. https://youtu.be/zOd1s12Bzog

No, not blessing candy, not the forehead !!! Not washing his head best, but he will got touched by those massage I guess....washing the head. I never. Not me. The wisdom eyes. NO.

This is the first life, leave them along. I am not sure what Sariputra did anything before this, neither do you. Don't try to outsmart someone walks ahead of you, that is what I will say to you. Always ask your commander first, before that thinking outside the box, really.

The last thing you wish to be doing, its one you be seen right on the monitor, exactly what you did or do, I am telling you. What that Sariputra ought to be doing without the consciously knowing. 

I am not even sure she knows how to properly meditate all these 40 years gone by. Really.

She never asked me, Anan never asked me, not even 5 names he cannot repeat, and when I got back, he told me why he gone to NJ...and I already change my diet at the Cheesecake Factory in Silicon Valley.

I don't think they try to get their brain chemistry, or the body Indian 5000 years old medicinal book, or classification, or any Holy script at those history time were too good to be true than this modern science its injection needle they feel saved, and reliable. 

How can you blame the perfect ones? 

Tell me all about it.

She cares about a lot of this fake things she collects. She does !!!

When they break down this 4 Heavenly Kings,

She and them if the security allows them, they can stay that poor mentality for the eternity life, never tranpassing the veil. Its worse than you saying....the First World, 1 to 4, they are at 0.7 or 0.8 really.


I know it sounds obscure, because they all die when the time comes. So you saying it should be worse than that. So, I tell you...what if that is the eternal glory means. Not Wealth, they all have some kinds of the smaller jobs, for saying they go there to meditate and be studious of the congregation works. I think the guys going there to find love, some.


Some girls too.

But some will probably stay with her, I think majority will be the women. No, they have the smaller jobs, or the government helps them. Including getting older too. Taiwan is warmer.

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