
You eat too fast, the food chew done so it goes down to the GI track, you are a bit stressful, or too much the thinking inside the brain, so you are not consciously using your teeth.

And because your kitchen are the cafeteria, you never give a second thinking in using your chewing mechanism almost....robotics. GI track down we all probably look the same. Its better chewing the reason, so you don't get tired after the noon time to eat, for the nap. 

Our world conscious...around noon.

All right, sleep on each other, fine. You sit up to digest the food, including lean on the wall, if you want to do that, the stomach is straight. I sit to meditate one of those, should or shouldn't do? But the side effects its, to sleep on the wall with a cushion feeling better?

... Correct.


I say correct, sit straight with your stomach vertically so you lean on the wall to sleep, or your head side by a wall, that sometimes has an extra 5 cm wall.thickness forward.

No, not them.

No, don't think about it.

No, never military.

No, they should all have a Master like the TV fake to tell me.

No, I don't really think about them.

No, your service is not required, really.

But thank you anyway.

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