
He is the guy playing the shoot guns clubs those Target. Like W Two worlds.

I guess its the photo on the wall!!!!

uh ...He is the Pitch Perfect 3, all of those characters are the prostitute? Like nick's that !!! 

They are all prostitute positions. The prostitute business girls on prostitutes.

And there are the women or the fucking girls, which of whom no image, its crying, but there is other fucking girl cry or moan I guess. That has the image, the audio no image.


I wonder what is my job description really.....by the occupation only.  You literally raise a gun to the ceiling roof, that is 2 or 3 girls, sorry, not EVERY girl in one room, that how many girls in the Pitch Perfect. Nice tanning all darken yellow brush light to this no windows, or sky open, the darkness descent, if

I am the darkness...from outside, what the brighter housing, you could see it in the yellow light!!!!  

Voice Memo (0:53)


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