
Here is really what you wish to write, because Dean knows where I am. They all know where I am, their own facebook might just really knowing each other before from UB.

You wish.....well, if Anna says that in the public, never stain your too perfect faces, all your girls did these far 10 years.

You talking to your parents all your life, every phone call seasonal holiday, far or near. So this is the first time you never calling them before you visiting a real lawyer office, their sleek air, or the professionalism frighten you starting on the first meeting are very nervous to you.

You never called your parents. You wish Dean to know that running, were you visiting 10 lawyers this far, and some succeed in something of all this life course, was a similar to the movie: Frozen (2013, 2015, 2019), you don't know what are considering to be inside the movie plot, because you rarely literally per frame watching what Anna says, I think its a Compete and Compared,

Side by Side.

But Anna says the guys on her facebook mostly are the science major in the lab included, so their protocol brain only thought, it was side by side to proof-reading per degree or arguments, or reveals what that supposes to coherent "there is reasoning" and that is that reasoning to accord the file-ing statues. They are more logic, or some guys are more logic, so they literally printing out the paper to per line checking side by side to their own testimony, or allegation or evidence collect, or what not, about...their 10 years. The guys didn't tell Anna or me, by that command, we are or we are not, literally every move they do. But Anna says, they probably just literally copy and paste, and proof-reading + editing of their own terms and words, for that lawsuit to be more...like a logical thinking, so they went on to research, not venturing to the lawyers office, they got other friends, to sound like.....

They pretty sure they are the real guys, not thinking there is a horse flying on the air, and Anna's chariot is dead -  Senior Bush.

🐢🐢🐢  If three frogs, sorry, 3 turtle got tie up from a pillars, and you saying the light from my bathroom its the left dark, right yellow those ceiling light, its they got tie up squanding with the left light 11 oclock coming it down, to one faces. Imagine 3 sitting in a circle of a pillar. That is Wallace the birds say 建華

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