
I think its best you combine the girls in that same classroom best. Or they are in the fratenity or they are in CAC forever never talk again anymore ....

Sometimes they will tell you, that is a no.

Not just from me.  When you hear a language tone or somewhat like a parenting idea to you, you forgot. So when the classmate looking like you, you know that is average people like you, you are in common.  They say you get mad, but parents say, you just taken it "ear drop wind" that is the Chinese words 耳邊風. Every time a parent doing that tooooooo often yelling or discipline, including me...you just meant "cover that wall up", you continue your own one personal opinionated view. "That is just her own view, not even my parents will say that."

You know what you are?

You want someone its lower than you are. With the guys or with the girls. Its someone you step them on the back, you are better than they are. 

The guy's attitude its their height, internal, I am not sure right now .....because used to, we never getting near by that much if you saying that one AOL refresh my memory.  

If you all girls just agree what I say, and be honest to file together....

"The reason how your friendship to anyone, its always based upon, if that someone talking you lower, so makes you feel superior. There, you will have a real freindship, because you call, you beg, you wish, you constantly shows your helping hands, 500 dollars per month results the Loving the Silent Tear the eternal case. "

See if you will get a hearing all together. Every single one of you girls.


The judge will NEVER knew, that is every one last of you. The guy's attitude, they understand its the celebrity.  You will have a case, an opening immediate case if that is EVERY kind of the girls like you, look like you, rural like you, the medium family income like you, including your mother, including if your dad knows....

There are a lot of people don't know.

Your jobs its to get to see a Judge. If you all girls being honest, that is your mentality, the real truth things, and that is EVERYONE, and no one pushing that forward, you are suffering to your own personal liking and it happens to every last of you girls on that side.

I told you.....that is how you need the girls power and you will be 100x happier if you being pushed by that Zawanna its not the first time he did all this garbage things.

And when you need to find him, he is at the dumpster...Chasez and Hide games 


What we wish to tell you, we realize something....along us that happening, so we or I wish to express this myself personally on the side, I did reflect what everything has happened, so I probably didn't think that is a very nice thing to file, when she saying all that what we really made of in the public arena. 

But I listen to what she says, just file it. If that is all of us. I wish this hurting its not continue on her side or our sides, both all of us getting hurt, for that basic situation to file, I will tell you my side of the story....

All the things I getting hurt by. Because if she is not here, all these cases are only we sustain our hurts only. If she is not there...and American Embassy in Taiwan did move away from her aunt their location to the new place called the "Inner lake", that guy from there name is Eric, Anna's friend near Henry and Jason in W Two Worlds. We only really needed its to hear our own hurts, not really about her hurt. Because.....we are told we are the royal one day with the terms and conditions. That is what I understand, and those girls I am not sure when I talking to them....here is what happened.....





You can say, what Anna told us to go and buddy together with the girls and the guys from her facebook, or why don't you just using your own facebook.....whichever reason, I did try, the other girls also try.

We have some mutual friends, because we are all getting into this Beauty Pageant, for saying we keep ourselves fit, we did try. Everyone didn't, we did on the diet alone.  Now, I want to file something personally, away from these girls and the guys. I was told to connect with them, and talking out loud to each other, and then to the lawyer and then to the Judge table for the combine efforts to file, but like she told everyone in the public space, we go behind sneak tale. That is all true, so I assuming, you all knowing we are exactly like that.  Its hurts us, the parents will never accept me, so I going along to get hurt already to those strangers lawyer, not to say she Anna forcing us to buddy together, the girls never stop giving shit when they hear, one of them. Her name is....then the guys we try to say we putting efforts, those girls got shit too, or not telling me, so this mutual guys for sure given us every rotton eye sight and the language so bad, we cannot take it, I cannot take it. Therefore, at this sparing time of the mutual combine efforts, I gonna file something on the side alone, since we getting it through. I want to go to this part without them, its my own claim here....: 

I was wondering if the England Queen has file something while seeing BTX before she passing away, for hurting her. If the Prince all of them getting hurt because I don't need Anna to be there just like the Embassy moves away means. I think I will get my throne back, and if I am, those girls are like me, we will file this hurt, you all didn't treat us with the respect and the dignity, for.....she was told they are like that, and she was not told BTX the whole scope of the plot or these are just the opening trailer. She is blind to move, or blind to move back, or anything she running away from Tina's assault, her mother getting hurt, things got stolen, and she running with all the bills, someone else give her those money back, that is every account I have heard, I wish to confess, it affects me every account in such magnitude, of .....everything else if she just station don't move, don't make any gesture, never girls to pretend the guys, and come back and yelling us why we didn't do anything, she is only the minority without the UN seat. The parliament of the console its only I witness them, NOT I saying a word, but until that furthur situation heighten the fake or the wrongful judgement, I think they should have found out everything at the 10 years earlier or 20 years ago, for telling us, we sit down, write per line, per command, per order, everyone moving out, by the Order only, by the boss of those American commanders or the President if he is really really the commander-in-chef. I didn't know why Anna says she just goes and pushing that Obama, "Move", and she does that on Westlife video, that is doing on purpose? No one telling us, and I believing that true, or the eternity will believe that true.

That evidence its Sailor Moon North Pole, Venus pushing the Moon on the ground, she literally goes to push that Obama, she says jailing human by breaking law to get jailed, she found out 10 years ago, or else she would be more publicly literate saying, that wasn't polite accord to that personality defect or the brain defect IQ wise.  

My argue points its: She is a girl, not the guy, or her evolution she seeing that as a guy, never ends since Lords of Ring, that is all I say and I will enclose  the rest of the video here.

*** I think she is highly mobile to threaten my regime, when I return.

*** I think she does not follow anyone's order, in these frame. She means if she dies, we will all be dead. We are from the rural, not the military.

*** I think the guys will find out these lawsuit, and agreeing us, when that Power arise that time on their own accord, they will help us our lawsuit here.

*** This is real how she makes me feel, seriously. After I reading all that England Conspiracy theory from David Wilcock. 


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