
Hypothetically speaking 10 years ago, there was a title, I temporarily move it to use it. If it is a regent Commander-in-chef, someone 8 years later put a Music comma....Music, Commander-in-Chef,

Someone will tell you, you have a nerve to do that right in front of the whole wide world web, until someone seeing it, you were saying just one music world alone.....really.

假設 10 年前,有一個頭銜,我暫時挪移到我可以用的部分,就是攝政的一個總司令,八年之後我把一個 『音樂跟逗號』...音樂, 故意變成 總司令_ 音樂 反過來的英文,有人會告訴你,當你有這種能耐跟鼓勵還是,神經把這種事情擺在眾人之上的 WWW... 到每一個人可以看到,我是說一個音樂領綠的單純講法 ....真的。

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