
I c, you mean a lot of guys they think like those Simpson Cartoon are funny, its in the Apple Conference Steve Jobs those on the Screen, they talk about the movie: Matrix, the movie.

The video you found on the internet like in your PC.

That is every guys think those are funny, right? Correct, I don't know why Tamang and Jonathon thinks those Simpson cartoon are funny. This morning that guy's name is Thompson? Why don't you just say that is about the TV shows, not the classify materials?

The heart didn't flip out....

And why would they think this is funny again? I think this is Brian, oh ~~ right, this is the 1 2 3 4 5.

We are discussing over the TV, the internet this people doing things funny in life? Why do you think those are funny again?

Nobel Prize Brian sings a song  | Revolution  | Golden Recipe / Curlinary 

... ... 

This is not about you think its funny too? 




I am at the birds station, pain killer patches my left shoulder, every time I got tense like this, my behind 2 side bones, the neck behind or the shoulder bones, all these...becoming very badly affected. I cannot lower down my body chemistry like that. There is a reason the VS saying the bone structure, but this is the pain response, not the structure felt. 

Its just pain. Not the rotation idea.

I am listening, the Dubai things on it for a while now. Something about their appetizer?  You know how I met Hailey they were in 2020? They were eating....these Youtuber, they doing nothing but eating. Really. 

I see, that word, you mean they put the gold in the food, those are intended to be funny?! All these youtuber?

These written Chinese are to be funny?  Talking about my uncle and Square?! oh ~~~!! 

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