
You know, I personally don't think....in any of your too professional life right now after the graduation UB 16 years, the perfect reunion, you have EVER seen anything in the real Life, anything worse than the comedian.

Such as ....


Because I am not sure, we are living in the same sad mood, all the time. I didn't look like that. On Youtube, anywhere, any world, any country, any....video formats. You seeing everythiing But how big of the mouth to sound astonishing....I always wonder how people live their happiness forever or ever lasting....

Me and Nicky were talking about something, he was saying this word sound like the Micky Mouse. Its a standard in Chinese words we use here now at the Restaurant rating. I am not sure how popular that is in America. But since the day I come back here in Taiwan, its EVERY kind of the worlds people talk about it.

They keep using that word. In Chinese.


And they putting those sign right outside, including the 101, or any of this sleek building, and very very often, sometimes I coming in with my mood too. It was none expect how far away I really really really feeling about any of this, because technically in 101 underground, there are all the perfect food you can go to the counter with your family. 

The Thai restaurant, one time I going in, there was 5 kids, small kids on the telepathy, including the outside passing one small tiny, the mother dragging him away. I don't know if they know, they are taken my bag, 2 bears.

Lords of Rings. - The beginning of the sunshine. Seriously

They are doing this every sound they make, I eat alone, a guy next by me. I never return. These what you called the table cloth Thai restaurant, here are sleek. I passing it by that Eben's favorite restaurant, now they change the name. They usually eat outdoor, the brush cover their patio, they are on the higher place but you can hear the people talking. 

All these what you say and define the night market,....

Not one word I can call anyone, to open my mouth, because...MD 6+1 isn't really the bad thing and the only thing I can ever talked about it. And because its all evidented. I didn't have the Congress to letter to, I didn't have the First invite, that lasting many many years. 

So until Nicky was saying?!

I probably focus a word or what things in front of me, I don't have time, or I am not sure all this Riley things, I say to him, "You are talking about the eating? Those Michelin? The food."

I probably exhale the entire breath out of my mouth, "oh ~ you are talking about the food."

My nerves tense just didn't get to the point, what you are saying, anything but not the food? I would need to lay down 5 mins, because he was saying the food restaurant those yelp rating. oh ~ the real world the real human living those fake life.

My entire nerves didn't get break down.


Whistle in the wind.


oh ~ Diva !!!


And...that is like an Olympia saying?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rMVtHHMis3o

oh ~ Why don't they just opening up their mouth, they are saying the TV inside, everyone watching happy things, not the Lords of Ring traveling, none stop, when I can get down?


They are talking about the cooking appliance. My entire nerves almost break down every time they doing that.  The kitchen those Youtuber like the 琳瑯滿目  those Ryoya human buys appliance, looks like Toronto Vegan association those video.

This is not asking me about the science? Its electric. You can do that of course, I thought that is the waffle machine. Its heated, meaning that is very hot iron material you see..those smoke, meaning it will burn you. But the eggs can cook in there. True. They are all legal.

That is what you asking me? My entire nerves almost break down every time they doing this?!


oh ~ I understand that.


No, I never use that. No.


Shane is saying Nicky is beautiful?!


Not my country, not here.


uh, I never do that. You are on the curfew.  


oh ~ the science geek love to buy inside the home, the house. You mean all those video are funny? The humor? That is what you are saying right? 


You mean the Animal and Co-inhabitant TV project those?!

Not their wings untold / unfold, I am telling you...the Good People Good Works, those?!


I hate pets. No, those birds, I never raise them. No. I told them, I file the report, I did everything I could. 


The doctor's office, that is called the bilateral, correct. That is toward the 3 oclock. Correct, they normally don't do that in the regular chiropractics office, you mean the Chinese medicine those scrap your neck with that plastic or wood with the smooth surface. 

uh....in some of those more both Eastern and the Western Past Ancient Chinese or Current the New Age, they define these waste at the joint like the knee, the older people has the knee hurts or the crystalization, or the things that accumulate, or the knee replacement. So those things are being examine. 

You saying the joints, how to define the joint, because there is a junction of the 2 parts of the upper humerus? or the buttom that shin bones. But you are saying the knees.

Not everywhere else. This guy did a lot of those things. But correct, the most doctors office I visit, they don't do that. Not at all. There is probably some reason he shows that on the TV.

Sorry, elbow, not the upper arm, I got mix up, not the shin bones, that is the leg.

I go and eat something, i don't want to watch this anymore, my entire heart going up and down with anything I see, if they just sing, those are more than fine to me.

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