
If you know the music, you mean if you hear the music and change the notes....you sell in the music sheet site, or the ITune music as the independent artists?

Most this independent artist might have an agent behind them, because the reason some becoming a more public artist, they might have their own reason doing it so. They like the appearance to show off and join the congregation where the people are. More engaged with the people group themselves to be. A lot of people fix their faces to look good, so they join this events, like the social event that will include some of the association, or the advocating cause, or the family business or the Corperation formats stuffs. 

Usually its the company talking to the company. 

The Judge or the American military behind they will find a way handle all that or still Shane and me still can talk. The guys their IQ brain and some combination when you add 1 to 5, they becoming the 5 brains using for a different purpose ! 

Trying to get smart with me its one thing. 

Trying to use their brain later on, its all the other different things really. I have high hope and pray we don't go anywhere with that NASA for real. I am. I am very very very hopeful when I seeing the positive outcomes I die in...the National Policy never going out. So the slow motion on the public education staying in the 1900....its so bad you don't know what the education means or I don't know what was my jobs were.

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