
Is that you trying to make a pizza dough? Tops they sell pre-made. You can just rise it up.

The scientific methods. I am not very sure you all very skillful at your knife jobs, not to say washing jobs, to all those green veggie how to daily input more to your guy's diets. Just by looking at it. 

There is a need, there is a food pyramid, when you getting one of those nutritional class back in memory. Why you need to wash all those parasite eggs out of the veggie, you cannot see, or the salt water not long enough to wait? You can touch-and-feel those veggie inside the salted water, their entire cell wall of those vegetable walls are soften. 


You watching your own basket, how big the plastic container to soap the veggie, or you will be washing that stainless steel most sink looks like to you? 

"This is not the first time I am doing it, move."

How do you operate one sink in front of a window, or not a direct staring at the sun roof? You remember how to doing all that, you seeing some taller kids in the emergency room, they never washing a thing, the guy or the boys? You look at them, their face looks tense, their cup, their bottle, their anything?


"How about I do that, sit over there."

Are you capable to command them?

"Where you from? And your parents here? How are they doing? Do you have a breakfast yet? They have this filtration water on the side of that sink, this is the clean water you can drink other than the public use water from this sink, you are in America, are you from America? Which states?"

"Which high school? You join anything science club, my brother did. He was in Bayside those New York City high school."


"You eat oatmeal, milk, any allergic? You like banana and brown sugar?"

"We have some boiling eggs, someone does here last night, I cut them in half, some grapes washed, and orange in quarter....on this side of the table. They have a cloth to wipe the water, you see the paper towel? Thank you."

"So how is your any school club, math team, the history, any thing you join in your high school?"

"My brother he does things in his high school, I never really ask him, he later joins some fratenity in his university, he went to the Michigan, and then he got his MBA a lot later on."


"You are stressful over this water bottle and how you get around the house, your parents called? "

"You have any friends coming with you? These are all they got the veggie someone bought it in the fridge, so you usually process that in the morning, but I think they getting some pizza for the lunch or dinner, you eat anything last night yet? Any emergency supply food inside your own room? Your bed?"

"They have some of this breakfast box of small tiny cereal, you seeing them? You want to take some, kitchen napkins? "

"They got some kids beverage, in case you are too tired to coming out of your room, this is where a lot of people coming and going, you got your phone, and where is that at?"

"Let's see....they have some stuffs like the instant noodle, you can tell where is the hot water you doing that yourself ever at home? You know how to boil a water? This is the pot, you fill up this side of the sink facet. That is the filtration water, and you turn this stove, and that is how the electric works, you remember in the end to shut it off. You want to do that now? You capable to turn the stove? "

"If you are hungry at your own height, you can do it now, or I make it that for you?"

"So here are some carrots, some cucomber, some thing boiled on your side, you can just open that instant noodle in. Yeah, you put the package in too. And these are the slice things all going in together. You can just sit for a while, the long chair. You ever cook this thing? No, I watch for you. You got a sister, a mother, a dad? "

"You got your own personal shower thing, you ever asking them for anyone to take you a ride? In the microwave session of the Wal-mart freezer, they have some of those vegetarian burrito. I used to be the vegetarian, so I only know they got the wraps. If you find the meat wraps, you can getting them when you calling them a cab to go, and getting some of your personal eating things, there isn't a lot of this here, you taking care of your own personal space. "

"Is that the first time you are away from home?  Ever camping? Your mother washing your clothes? You ready to washing alone or you have some friends you all washing it all together, or you never done that in your life? You can write it down if you finish eating, and get a piece of paper, and a pen, with your phone, to sort your own photo books, what you need at this location, really."

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