
My comment about you?

Not sure which photo I used to say this.

"You literally ....unbelievable, that literally your entire eyes fix, daring to gamble that TV is the Truth. Or else they could just tell the America court before they air on the TV, seriously."  

Your school education never had one civil class, anything close to what your lawful society meant? The paper works that involved to create a movie, or the lawsuit or if you do something break the law, you go to the jail. 

Or in your life, you never work in a real job yet? What jobs do you ever worked? Like file a report, and be responsible for a result, the carrying of that literacy, you copy and write to re-formula what you understand this experiment run by someone, but you verbalize out in a different saying, but its the same thing, just not the peer review journal? 

Have you ever seen a real human?

Meaning the professional people, whom might be like a real doctor, or a real professional talking out of the literacy very near by you. The stability of some professional workers, other than your dad or mummy.

Someone or the law reinforcement like my bike got stolen, they show up. They wear the uniform, and you tell me, you dare to break a law? You accuse means were the movie theater stain your name to break a law, and they are not inside the jail. That is what you are saying.

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