
You all are not very easy, or confident, what you see blue, you say blue. If you see red, you say red. If you see a bell pepper, you will insist to tell me is that a hot bell pepper? There is no such things in America at the regular grocery.

I seen that before, he has a jacket I used to have a similar in America, JC.

In America, you always have this feeling of the 50 state as big as the tourism, or traveling, or that is just how America represent, while a lot of countries are very limited to the border line. You understand you didn't think why you going out to do something for some people to realize when you get back to your own world, where your attitude to be.

Amazon, the online situation to your own address or the post office. 

We have here too, but not in English. You have a variety products you can see, you and look and read in English. You learn about anything in your situation the small farming, its possible in California. 


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