
None of you are trying do to anything other than the romance tears inside your eyes. Not logic lawsuit, not presentation, and no money, okay?!

Some people they just give away money, and get out! The TV tells me you all need those romance, okay?! So I told you about the Western guys under that democracy its very realistic, you starting with a correct job, or the profession, talk like a human, stand and present yourself like CNN.

Being with a guy needs to talk to each other indoor. This part I NEVER say to you. The same hobby, the similar food dining experience, or he just finishes all the food, you sitting there drinking tea.

This is the new thing I am telling you today.

You cannot live with each other on that photo one second, you posting yourself 5000 mins on ONE e-harmony online dating services. They all doing that 16 years ago. Before me and Nick met. They were already all doing that. If you going in now, you might find out, that tradition NEVER changed.

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